It is with enthusiasm that we would like to welcome you to the 2024 face-to-face EAONO meeting which will be organized in the oldest city of the Netherlands; Nijmegen. The beautiful and historically rich city of Nijmegen is located in the east of the Netherlands near the German border. A large percentage of the inhabitants of the city are in their 20’s due to the number of schools and universities located here.
We are looking forward to an inspiring program with state-of-the-art instructional courses and keynote lectures, scientific presentations and discussions. Moreover, there will be ample opportunity to submit and present original papers.

Workshop Temporal Bone Dissection, one day prior to the Nijmegen EAONO 2024 meeting
In Antwerp, during the full-day hands-on workshop at the Skills lab (www.skillslab-antwerpen.be) the participants will have a chance to train on a personally chosen set of the otosurgical procedures from the “menu” below:
– Simple and extended meatoplasty and canaloplasty
– Transmeatal approaches, ossiculoplasty, stapedotomy
– Antro-attico-mastoidectomy, posterior tympanostomy
– Reconstruction of radical cavities and bony obliteration technique (BOT), preparation of the mid-temporal artery flap
– Cochlear implantation
– Endolymphatic sac surgery
– Facial nerve decompression
– Translabyrinthine approach to CPA
This approach will allow participants to learn efficiently independently of their otosurgical experience. The individualized coaching will be given by experienced EAONO otosurgeons.
Send your first name, Last name, and your attendance information (half or full day (personal choice) to: EAONO2024@congresscare.com*Please note that transportation is not included and is your own responsibility. You will receive more information regarding payment and confirmation prior to the conference.

From EPR to improving results
The theme of the meeting will be: “from EPR to improving results”; Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) have become an essential part of modern healthcare systems. They contain a vast amount of valuable information about patients and their medical history, including diagnoses, treatments and results. Extracting data from these EPRs makes it not only possible to compare our results, improve our outcomes and our quality of care but also to save costs and improve our efficiency. It goes without saying that this data extraction takes place without additional effort for the user of the EPRs. To ensure what data have to be extracted to achieve these results for numerous pathologies, expert round tables will be organized.
The conference venue will be Concertgebouw de Vereeniging, a concert hall officially opened in 1915 and built in a mixture of Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles.

More information
General information
It is with enthusiasm that we would like to welcome you to the 2024 face-to-face EAONO meeting which will be organized in the oldest city of the Netherlands; Nijmegen. The...More information -
De Vereeniging concert hall is widely appreciated for its beautiful architecture and renowned worldwide for its excellent acoustics. The multifunctional building, dating from 1915, has an attractive, stylish and surprisingly...See venue -
View the entire program!See programme
When: Tuesday September 3rd, 2024
Where: In Antwerp (whole day) or Leiden (half a day)
For whom: participants of the EAONO 2024 meeting, your registration and payment must already have been completed
How many spots are available: 11 spots in Antwerp and 22 spots in Leiden
Additional Fee: 375,- for the whole day (Antwerp) and 200,- for half a day (Leiden)
Admittance: First come first serve