Social network event:

Join us:
Are you excited to meet colleagues from all over the world during the EAONO2024 meeting? Do not forget to join our network event on September 6th at 19:00 PM. This networking event is specially converted to meet informally. This is to network, make contacts, share experiences and discuss potential opportunities.

De Achtertuin
De Kolk 14
6541 AV Nijmegen

19:00 CET – 0:00 CET

100 EUR during regular registration

Walking dinner, snacks, drinks and entertainment.

Transport (Free of charge):  Update!
Bus transportation: Last bus leaves at 19:45 from de Vereeniging to the network event.
Return: 23:00 PM and 0:00 PM (same as drop off location). Did you miss the busses? This is your own responsibility.

If the network event is included in your registration, look for a unique icon on your badge (Left). Your badge serves as your entrance ticket (bring this to De Achtertuin).