E-poster submission
E-poster submission extended untill August 1st.
It is our pleasure to invite you to submit an e-poster for the European Academy of Otology and Neuro – Otology Meeting (EAONO 2024), which will take place in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, on 4 – 7 September. Guidelines here.
Note: e-poster submission deadline is August 1st 0:00 CET
*E-posters will be displayed during the whole congress. Please note that no pitch or presentation is needed for an accepted e-poster.

E-poster Guidelines
Here you will find how to submit your e-poster and the guidelines that you need to take into account. Please read them carefully before starting the submission process.
- E-poster can only be submitted online via the abstract submission form. e-poster sent by post or email will not be accepted.
- All mandatory fields must be filled out.
- To ensure a smooth review process of e-poster, a topic for your work must be selected during the submission process. Note: the choice you make for the topic can be changed by the executive or the scientific committee.
- The acceptable length of the e-poster is a maximum of 350 words.
- It is not possible to add tables, figures, or images to your e-poster.
- It is possible to submit your e-poster until August 1st
- After submission of the e-poster it is not possible to make any changes.
- The author of the e-poster must be registered for the meeting before August 20th, 2024, you will automatically receive a link to upload your e-poster.
E-poster format and content
The e-poster should be structured into the following sections:
- A title that clearly indicates the nature of the E-poster
- Objectives
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
E-poster topics
The theme covers various topics. During your e-poster submission, you can choose the topic applicable to your e-poster.
The theme of the meeting will be: “From EPR to improving results”;
Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) have become an essential part of modern healthcare systems. They contain a vast amount of valuable information about patients and their medical history, including diagnoses, treatments, and results.
Extracting data from these EPRs makes it not only possible to compare our results, improve our outcomes and our quality of care but also to save costs and improve our efficiency. It goes without saying that this data extraction takes place without additional effort for the user of the EPRs